by GMO Media, Inc.
CoordiSnap, where people share fashion tips, hair styling skills and what they wear today! (ootd)♥♥T...
CoordiSnap, where people share fashion tips, hair styling skills and what they wear today! (ootd)♥♥The fashion SNS now used by over 3,500,000 people around the world!Having trouble figuring out what to wear or what you should arrange your hair style? Come to our community in CoordiSnap! In our community, you can ask, check about styling questions by tapping the 『Community』 button on the upper left corner on the MENU page♪♪ Any topics related to outfits, hair styling tips, beauty or shopping might do you a big favor in styling.■The fashion app being used by over 3,500,000 people■CoordiSnap is the app where people share their fashion outfits and hair styles with others. With this app, you can learn how to arrange your clothing, hair styles, making every day your fashion show!It not only shows you the latest fashion outfits and beauty trends, but like a closet, in which you can store every of your clothing, items. Share your outfits of today(ootd) with all the other fashionistas and stylists!One of the best things here is you can always learn how to dress your clothes nicely from other fashionistas and stylists!
Of course, never miss the trendy items of this year!
------------------------------■CoordiSnap = Outfits & Hair ------------------------------Like a fashion magazine and a styling lookbook, CoordiSnap shows you the latest trends, shopping info, enabling you to share your own styling concept with other fashion lovers. There are all kinds of categories and styles in the app, like brands, colors and so on, just like a styling lookbook! Whenever you want to check how people dress with some certain clothes, items, try our Searching Feature in the app. With it, you may learn a lot of fashion tips and style hints from other fashionistas as well♡♡Never forget to send your 『good』 to the stylists you like:)
Also, try our camera feature! Show yourself in the cutest style.<Best of CoordiSnap>
♥Lots of trendy snaps♪Check our Popular Post & New Post in the app♪And send your 『good』 to the snaps you like☆
♥Decorate all your snaps with our camera stamps!Gain more followers in the app by more lovely photos and poses!Also, try our cute-styled stamps in the camera♪♪
♥Follow our Official Models/Bloggers!We have some popular models from teenager fashion magazines, like 『mer』 and 『SEDA』. Once following the Models/Bloggers, you may check the current Japanese fashion lookbook anytime you want.
♥Don't miss any stylish photos.Follow the fashionistas and stylists if you are interested in their outfits & hair styles, and check their latest snaps.
♥Search the trendy items of the year in CoordiSnap.The searching keywords in CoordiSnap enables you to got followed up with the current trend.
♥Trendy items of the year.The searching keywords in CoordiSnap enables you to realize the current trends.For example, 『H&M』, 『autumn』 and the like.
♥What is your style? Check all the styles in CoordiSnap!No matter if you are 『Red』, 『sharp shoulders』.... We have all kinds of styles right here for you!Just enter the keywords and Search For It!
♥Post your fashion snaps easily every day.Select your photos from the gallery or capture with our camera☆Store your items/ clothes in the closet.Like writing a blog or diary! Record your everyday life with snap outfits:)